Tickets & Sponsorships

HH 2022

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The mission of Holiday Heroes is to provide joy and improved quality of life to pediatric patients through a combination of in-person and virtual programs. Holiday Heroes uses its experience, creativity, resources, and passion to inspire long-lasting joy and happy memories for pediatric patients and their families, thereby making a positive impact in their recoveries and their lives.

Our Programs

  1. In-person Hospital Parties
  2. Virtual Hospital Parties
  3. Hero Packs
  4. Sensory Bags
  5. Virtual Gaming Party

Here's what we can do with your donation!


  • A $25 donation can give a child an ACTIVITY BOX full of age appropriate holiday themed crafts and activities. 2500 boxes a year and growing.

  • A $50 donation supports ONE CHILD AT AN IN-PERSON PARTY with an activity box full of themed age-specific craft projects, a themed gift, a catered meal, and a visit/photo with a costume character.

  • A $125 donation can give a hospital a VIRTUAL VISIT with a costumed character of their choice. That's over 60 virtual visits in a year.

  • A $300 donation can give a THEMED GIFT to 50 kids at a hospital party. These gifts keep the fun coming.

  • A $500 donation can give a CATERED MEAL to families at a hospital party. After long days in hospitals parents and their kids value this break in their day.

  • A $2000 donation can provide ONE decorated THEMED HOSPITAL PARTY for 40 hospitalized children and their family members/caregivers, including age-specific activity boxes full of craft projects, a catered meal, themed gifts, and a visit with a costume character.

Hosted By

Holiday Heroes Foundation


Arrowhead Golf Club, Butterfield Road, Wheaton, IL, USA

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